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NEW: Google Publisher Plugin for WordPress

GREAT NEWS for all website owners and bloggers using WordPress with their private or professional domain: Google announced the beta release of a new website plugin – Google Publisher for WordPress – through their Webmaster blog yesterday.

As part of their “YouTube, Blogger and Host Partnerships” scheme, the latest output is a great little helper for everyone who places advertisements on their pages and utilises other Google tools.

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The plugin links functionalities of both Google and WordPress so that website owners no longer need to switch between platforms while updating their pages.

The current beta version supports Google AdSense and Google Webmaster input, but more Google tools are expected to be added in forthcoming versions.

It has been noted that the plugin does not currently support blogs hosted on, but that this is expected to change as well.

Minimum technical requirements to use this plugin for your WordPress-powered blog/site:

• WordPress 3.0

• ability to install third-party WordPress plugins

• PHP 5.2.0

The plugin can be installed automatically by simply adding it to your plugins via the WordPress administration screen, or manually, if that does not work. A detailed description of how to do this can be found on Google’s support pages.

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