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Facebook Advert Specifications – 2017

Thanks to its powerful advertising capabilities, Facebook has become a multi-billion dollar business. According to its most-recent third-quarter report, the California-based company earned over $10 billion in revenue from companies using their platform in Q3, a 49% increase from last year’s Q3 revenue. These impressive earnings prove that Facebook is growing at an amazing rate as both a social and business platform worldwide.

Customisation is the core of the social media giant’s advertising strength. Facebook offers many options for tailoring ads according to objective, audience, budget, placement and format. This allows marketers to reach their target audience in a goal-oriented and cost-effective way.

One of the biggest factors in a successful ad is the content itself. Content is what your audience sees and engages with on their News Feeds. Your content should make the biggest impact in capturing people’s attention.

Content formats include Photo, Carousel, Video, Slideshow, and Canvas. Every format has its own benefit, ideal usage and specification. Facebook constantly updates its advert specifications for content in order to accommodate for new innovations in technology.

This Facebook Ad specs basics guide will break down the latest design recommendations and technical requirements so all your content is optimised everywhere on Facebook.

Photo Ad Specs

Single photo adverts are useful for many business goals and are especially helpful for increasing brand and product awareness. This format is clean and simple, but also inspiring and engaging.

Recommended Design Specs



Objective-Specific Specs

Page Promotion:

App Engagement:

Best Practice

Limit text overlay on your images to less than 20%. Facebook reports that images with more text overlay experience reduced delivery.

Video Ad Specs

Video ads allow businesses to promote product features, drawing attention with sound and motion. Different video ad options are optimised for the different ways people consume video on various platforms and devices.

Recommend Design Specs



View Facebook’s technical requirements for different video ad placements here.

Carousel Ad Specs

The carousel format allows businesses to showcase up to ten images or videos within one advert, each linking to its respective page. With a simple and effective swipe/click, your audience can scroll through all your content. E-commerce businesses especially benefit from carousel ads.

Recommended Design Specs





View Facebook’s technical requirements for different carousel ad placements here.

Slideshow Ad Specs

Slideshow adverts are a quicker and more affordable video format that uses motion, sound and text to captivate your audience. They can be made in minutes using still images (with thousands of stock images provided) or existing videos, cutting time and production costs. They work well with any connection speed and are great for targeting regions with slower connection speeds.

Recommended Design Specs

Slideshow specs:


Read up on some useful slideshow-making tips from Facebook here.

Canvas Ad Specs

Canvas is an advert format specific to mobile devices, offering a full-screen, highly engaging brand experience. Canvas ads are initiated with a simple tap on a mobile news feed ad (which looks like a regular ad). These adverts incorporate image, video and carousel all into one immersive brand experience.

See an example of what a Canvas ad looks like here.

Recommended Design Specs

News Feed Canvas Ad Unit:

Canvas Image:

Canvas Video:

Canvas Carousel:

Canvas CTA Buttons:

Canvas Header:


Facebook advertising is just one part of a well-rounded lead generation strategy. For more tips and tricks about generation leads for your business, download our free guide below.


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