With 50% of all searches in New Zealand starting with a mobile device, having a mobile-friendly website is no longer an option.

People are now five times more likely to leave your site if it isn’t optimised for mobile use, and half of your visitors will leave if it takes more than three seconds to load.

With the 2016 Google update incorporating responsive mobile web design, testing your site speed with the Google Mobile Page Speed Tool will give you an idea on how your site currently performs on mobile.

However, having a mobile optimised website is not limited to fast site speed. Pure SEO will cover all the bases to ensure a smooth and pragmatic mobile user experience to every mobile user who visits your website.

As New Zealand’s leading Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) agency, it is no surprise that we spend a lot of our time helping clients improve their mobile conversions and rankings.

Here are a couple of mobile SEO ‘growth hacks’ that webmasters can implement to improve their mobile presence:

Accelerated Mobile Pages: The AMP Project by Google allows mobile websites to load really quickly on mobile devices by removing code and image bloat. Most of the major publishers in the world now use AMP Project: https://www.ampproject.org/

Duda Mobile offers a quick, cheap solution to creating a mobile version of your website. Check out their services here: https://www.dudamobile.com/

Interested in discussing more? Pure SEO has the largest Auckland SEO team. Contact us now at 0800 SEARCH to get your free consultation.

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