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Top 5 Link Building Tips

Link Building tools

There are literally hundreds of ways (black hat, muddy hat and white hat) of getting great backlinks. Here I have highlighted a few simple methods that anyone can employ to achieve high-quality, long-lasting links:


1. Just ask

Asking business partners/associates or suppliers for a link from their website (with the correct anchor text)


2. Scope out the competition

Seeing where your competitors got their links from, and trying to get links from similar sources.


3. Create content people want to share

Writing superb and interesting articles (publish on places like Ezine) that people will want to use on their blogs/social networking profiles (it is well-advised to use self-serving links in the article / author’s biography). The process of re-posting generates a positive type of external linking.


Link Building top 5 tips blog post



4.  Use your domain

Creating a blog (again, with compelling content and links). Make sure the blog is part of your domain rather than on a third-party domain, as this will look either  unprofessional, or suspicious.


5. Press releases

Creating online press releases with links – again, the quality of the content is crucial to how many visitors will notice and circulate the information.

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