Our growth has always been based on ethical practices, following a path of community contribution, employee wellbeing, and social responsibility. CSR in NZ is integrally tied to respect for both the land and its people, both of which we embody in our continuing growth.

At Pure SEO, with the commitment of our staff, we not only want to contribute to the betterment of the business community but also to the community at large. We’re all part of a team, look out for one another, and we all work together not just for ourselves but for others who are unable to help themselves.

From the outset, Pure SEO has contributed back to the community both publicly and privately. The corporate contribution is a responsibility we all must take, both locally and abroad.


Educating Our Community

crowd of people on beach in sunset

Some of our most significant CSR activities come in the form of community education. Since our business model is based on growth, we’re dedicated to bringing more young people into the tech space, and offering future security in a field guaranteed to grow and expand. We’re also prominent voices on digital privacy, social media, analytics, tech business practices, and the ethics of marketing.

To support these ideas, our team:

  • Lectures at NZMA and the University of Auckland’s MBA programme.
  • Delivers courses to the next generation of digital marketers at Unitec.
  • Contributes to major publications such as iStart, M2 Magazine, and NZ Business.
  • Participates in Advisory Committees for Unitec and Digital NZMA.

And it doesn’t stop there! We believe in corporate citizenship, and we’re continually developing new CSR initiatives to expand our community outreach and have a positive impact however possible.


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