Top Tip Tuesday – Context Not Content

With ever increasing content being pumped out every day, ensuring that your content is relevant is critical to thriving on the web. From an SEO perspective, it is important to produce good content, but it is equally important for it to be relevant to a user’s search query. Ankit explains more in the video above.

Here are some tips to maximise your relevancy:

  • View the Search Traffic report within Google Search Console to discover the queries that people are using to discover your website, and write around these topics.
  • Use the Google Keyword Planner to determine high-volume keywords in your niche and include these keywords in your website content.
  • Ask your customers what their most common questions and concerns are about your product or service, and address these concerns with your content.
  • Take a look at what your competitors are doing with their content, and mimic their approach with a different angle.
  • Search for the latest news related to your industry, and offer your perspective through a blog post.

We’ll be back with more expert SEO tips in our Top Tip Tuesday series next week!

Prabin Yonzon

Prabin is the Head of Organic Search and CRO at Pure SEO. He has over nine years of experience in digital marketing, specialising in SEO, CRO, and analytics. Apart from his day-to-day work at Pure SEO, he is also highly involved in conducting webinars and in-house training for some of the well-known brands in New Zealand and overseas.

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