Google Search to include Comment System for Live Sports Events

Google has announced its intention to allow users to comment on specific search results, directly on the Search Engine Results Page. At this stage, the comment system can only be used on results for live sporting events. Google has further clarified that comments on Google Search aren’t available for all languages and regions yet.

This new tool was first discovered via a page on Google Search Help, which outlines the system and it’s intent in detail. So far the tool seems extensive – there are provisions for deleting, rating and reporting comments mentioned in the article.

The help page also points to another page which allows users to see all ‘contributions’ made by their Google account. This includes reviews and comments made with the new system. This personal page references the fact that these search comments will eventually be available for more than just live sports events, as it specifically states: “You can add comments to sports games and other events on Google while those events are live.”

Google’s main help page also states: “You can leave comments on things you’ve searched for on Google.” This implies that comments will eventually roll out to all results; not just live events, sporting or otherwise.

While this system hasn’t been implemented in current Google search results, the groundwork is being laid for it, and it’s worth knowing how it will work when it does go live.

How Google Comments Are Likely to Work

The Google Help page linked above explains how comments will be made once the system is in place:

  • Go to or open the Google app.
    Google Search
  • Search for a sports game. For example, try searching for Manchester United match.
  • In the overview box, tap or click More 
  • Tap or click Comments.
  • Tap or click Add a public comment.
  • Enter your comment.

It’s worth noting that comments are tied to your Google account – likely the same one you use for Gmail and YouTube, and there’s no way to leave a comment anonymously. You can, however, as mentioned earlier, delete any of your own comments.

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Sam Mannell

Sam Mannell has been a writer for the Pure SEO content team since August '18, and is now Lead Editor. He quickly found his place in the company as resident Dungeon Master and coffee expert. Sam holds a BA from University of Auckland, where he double-majored in Linguistics and English.

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