How To Be Smarter Than Your Smart Phone

You cannot walk down the street anymore without seeing someone frantically poking or scrolling their smart phone.

Digital search and communication is quickly dominating traditional methods around the world and New Zealand is no exception.

There is an average of 6 million more mobile phones than people in Australia and within New Zealand alone more than 4,620,000 mobile devices.

Cell phones are not merely convenient pocket-friendly communication devices anymore, but are relied upon for directions, shopping, information and more. If you are a business this is a space that your customer is likely to be, so how can you tailor your marketing techniques to suit this culture of mobile search?

Mobile marketing provides businesses with the edge of convenience and relevancy. Geo-targeting presents ads to consumers relative to their contextual search and physical location.

It gives advertisers the opportunity to be seen and jump to the top of mind at the right place at the right time. It has been announced that soon the technology will be released to enable advertisers to further narrow mobile targeting to situational geo-targeting.

For example all people who typed in terms such as hot located around the baseball park in Reno, Nevada would be marketed an ad for a cold soda pop.

Make sure you are taking full advantage of mobile marketing. Check that all your company details are available when customer’s search; from GPS ad/mapping to a click to call feature.

Studies show that 4 out of 5 smartphones were used to shop, so make sure you are the brand that is conveniently there for your customer when they are searching.

When creating mobile ads be aware that WAP Ads are becoming obsolete and replaced by mobile specific banner ads sized 300×50 and app ads. This should help reduce the ‘fat finger’ slip ups, or accidental clicks on an ad simply because a searchers finger accidentally hits it. A new trend of interactive mobile ads is coming up.

They will incorporate the slide and expand features that people have become accustomed to performing. Become a part of this rapidly growing marketplace where technology is giving way to revolutionary targeting and creative interactive advertising.

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