Prepare…Pause…Engage! Get Ready for Facebook’s Changes to Stay Ahead in the Social Media Game

The time has come for businesses to embrace timeline and further establish themselves on this massive online communication platform. Tomorrow all business Facebook pages will be taking on the new Timeline format, so make sure you are ready for these changes and looking sharp.

There are a number of benefits to be had with the Timeline which aims to humanize brands and create a more exposed company persona.

The first of major change is the elimination of a default company landing page. This was a way for companies to initially display the brand, which created first customer impressions. With the removal of this feature, it is even more important to have a visually enhanced page, enticing content and good posts, and on-going interaction.

Unlike before this layout gives page visitors the ability to see the company’s recent ‘likes’, visitor reach and people ‘talking about’ the brand. Your timeline page is also able to be viewed by general visitors who don’t have a Facebook profile, so make sure you polish you page with genuine interactions and company insight.

The first couple pins and posts prove to be the most visible; no need to worry about this raw exposure though. You can easily choose to move a pin/post to the top of your Wall for up to seven days and highlight posts to appear fully across the width of both columns.




The new Timeline format fully incorporates visual engagement with the new large 851 x 315 pixel cover photo and double column outline. Simply Measured recorded that current brands on the new Timeline outline get up to 46% more engagement per post. When designing your cover photo be sure to use a strong image that represents your brand, yet doesn’t come across as an advertisement.

Facebook has put a ban on including price or purchase information within this image to defer businesses from over-pushing sales. Below this cover image you can find a number of application boxes including a fixed Photos tab and three others you can customise with 110 x 74 pixel images.


Timeline takes personal customer interaction to a new level with the new ability for companies to directly message fans. One on one communication is the ultimate way gain your audiences valued trust and devoted following. Take advantage of the new abilities and features on Facebook Timeline and connect with your fans through the newly visually enhanced platform.

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