Pure SEO Bags Finalist Award for Business Excellence in Strategy & Planning

15th of August, 2018 – Pure SEO was announced as one of the five North-West Finalists for Excellence in Strategy & Planning in this year’s Auckland Business Awards.

Westpac Auckland Business Awards

The annual Westpac Auckland Business Awards is delivered by the Auckland Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED). It has celebrated innovation and creativity in Auckland’s business sector for over ten prolific years.

The ABAs is a chance for businesses of all sizes and types in Auckland to showcase the hard work and passion they pour into their companies. Businesses are able to nominate themselves in seven categories, where their applications are scrutinised and compared by a number of judges (27 for this year’s season), where only five finalists for each category make it through.

The Excellence in Strategy & Planning Finalist Award

The Excellence in Strategy & Planning category:

Recognises where a business has developed a longer term strategy and has set business targets and devised specific plans that have been implemented across the business and have been fundamental to business success. – Auckland Business Awards

Richard Conway, Pure SEO’s Founder and CEO, applied for this one category this year out of the seven, as he felt it was more relevant to the company’s recent achievements.

In the past year and six months, Pure has opened offices in more cities, significantly grown the team, and moved to a new and bigger Auckland headquarters. There is definitely more in the works!

Since businesses from every industry imaginable put themselves forward – from florists. skydivers to digital marketing agencies – it is a great honour to be recognised among all these successful businesses for our significant business achievements.

The North-West Finalists Function

Richard and Marc Pember, one of Pure SEO’s BDMs, were in great anticipation of the announcement as they attended the Finalists Function on Wednesday night at the Riverhead Boat House Function Centre, where many other companies from every industry had come to represent their brand.

Marc talks fondly of how Richard’s celebrations could be heard across the room when Pure SEO was announced as one of the category finalists.

“He was so stoked, everyone in the room heard him,” Marc said. “You could really tell that he was passionate about his own business.”

“Unlike the other businesses, we only applied to one category, so it was an all-or-nothing situation. We definitely had our work cut out for us so it’s great to be recognised.

“We congratulate all the businesses, and especially those who won a number of awards across the seven categories.”

The highly-anticipated Auckland Business Awards 2018 Gala Dinner will be held on the 3rd of October, at North Harbour Stadium, Albany, where they announce 2018’s Best of the Best winners.

Pure SEO – Making its mark in Auckland’s business sector

Want to learn more about Pure SEO and what we’re doing to make a difference in the industry and to our clients’ businesses? Contact the most awarded SEO team in New Zealand today on 0800 SEARCH.

Rachel Matela

Rachel is a Filipino Kiwi with a passion for the arts. Having graduated with an Arts Degree in English from UoA, she found writing work at PureSEO as a Junior Copywriter and quickly moved on to the role of Editor. In her spare time, she reads Austen and teaches dance classes in the weekend.

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