Top Tip Tuesday – Better Targeting of Your AdWords Campaign

Having a successful AdWords campaign is all about targeting. In today’s Top Tip Tuesday video, Nathan explains how Google AdWords allows you to target searchers based on a variety of factors, including the device they use to access the web.

Targeting with AdWords Bid Adjustments

Google AdWords is a powerful tool for reaching people who have demonstrated clear intent for your product or service. However, some people may be more valuable to your business than others. For example, people who have previously visited your site are probably more likely to convert than people who haven’t. And depending on the nature of your business, people who access your site on a mobile phone may be more likely to convert than people who access your site on a desktop computer.

AdWords allows you to adjust how much you are willing to bid to reach these people with your ads, using bid adjustments. You can adjust your bids using the following targeting options:

  1. Audience Targeting: Your ads can be specifically shown to people who have visited your website previously. You can also increase how much you are willing to bid to reach these people. This is done through a technique known as ‘remarketing.’
  2. Location Targeting: If you own a restaurant in Parnell, Auckland, then a person searching for one of your campaign keywords in Parnell is probably more likely to convert than someone searching from outside of Auckland. You can adjust your bids to target these people more aggressively, based on their current location.
  3. Device Targeting: Perhaps your website analytics shows that people who visit your site on mobile are twice as likely to convert than people who visit your site on a tablet or computer. In this case, it might make sense to bid twice as much to reach these people with your ads. AdWords lets you do so.
  4. Time of Day Targeting: Going back to the restaurant example, you may decide that people searching for your restaurant during lunch or dinner hours are worth more to you than people searching at other times of the day. Using ad scheduling, you can adjust your bids to target people more or less aggressively based on when they are searching.

These are just a few of the ways AdWords lets you target different types of people through bid adjustments. For more advanced targeting strategies, get in touch with our team of PPC experts today.

Rachel Matela

Rachel is a Filipino Kiwi with a passion for the arts. Having graduated with an Arts Degree in English from UoA, she found writing work at PureSEO as a Junior Copywriter and quickly moved on to the role of Editor. In her spare time, she reads Austen and teaches dance classes in the weekend.

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