Optimize Your Landing Page for More Conversions

When you’ve got your mates over, don’t you want them to stay a while? Think of your site’s visitors as guests you’ve invited into your home – make them feel welcome, keep them intrigued. But it’s not enough to have people simply checking out your site. You need them to peek inside the other rooms and take some form of action.

If your website is getting lots of traffic but the results aren’t converting into sales or inquiries, it’s time to take a look at your landing page. By paying attention to detail and tidying up a few bits and bobs, your landing page can transform into something that C.O.N.V.E.R.T.S.

C = Clear Call to Action

What do you want your visitor to do? Buy. Sign Up. Download. Contact Us. Your landing page should have a simple button that attracts people and makes them do your bidding. It’s common sense that more choices mean more distractions and indecisions, so keep your landing page free of any redundant content and deemphasize anything that’s not your call to action.

O = Offer

This is anything you’re offering in exchange for your visitor answering to your call to action. Typically this can be anything from coupons, discount vouchers, a free trial or a small gift. Set a deadline such as an expiry date to make the matter feel more urgent.

N = Narrow Focus

Back to the distracted nature of humans: keep it simple, keep it neat. Play around with colours, fonts and layout to figure out the best look for your brand.

V = VIA: Very Important Attributes

Mention a few selling points to lure in your visitor. You could write about the unique features of your product/service, the benefits they’ll receive by purchasing or getting involved with your company and conversely, the ways they’ll avoid being misery.

E = Effective Headline

A good headline should be written in plain language (no need to show off, the visitor’s already here!) in a big, readable font. It can be witty, creative or straight to the point – it just needs to give a clear picture of what you’re all about. Think: Tinder bio.

R = Resolution-Savvy Layout

Keep in mind that different sized monitors will show a different picture. Avoid the horror of having your site appear indecipherable by keeping the important stuff in the centre. This way, even if some of it’s sliced, your visitor will still have a clear picture.

T = Tidy Visuals

Think high quality. A lot of white space, a big font and a simple design are fail-proof solutions. Consider using bullet points and sub headings to break up the page. Videos are another effective way to fill up space without cluttering it, and they can increase conversion by 80%!

S = Social Proof

Humans like to do what others have already done or shown approval of, so give proof of your site’s social validation. You could include a list of customers, press mentions or quotes. If you’re just starting out and don’t have much social feedback to go off of, call your mum! You’re guaranteed to get a positive quote out of her.

You can read more about how to C.O.N.V.E.R.T here.

Rachel Matela

Rachel is a Filipino Kiwi with a passion for the arts. Having graduated with an Arts Degree in English from UoA, she found writing work at PureSEO as a Junior Copywriter and quickly moved on to the role of Editor. In her spare time, she reads Austen and teaches dance classes in the weekend.

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