This Week in Search: Facebook to Ban Ads From Unreliable Businesses and More!

Pure SEO’s ‘This Week In Search’ series takes a look at the top SEO and SEM news stories from the week.
This week, Facebook released a new feedback system that may lead to businesses being banned from running ads, as well as releasing new requirements for custom-audience ad targeting, while Google has launched new Ad Settings and added new features to make it easier to discover a business’s products in store and online.

Facebook Releases New Feedback Tool for Business Ads

Facebook is seeking to improve the business-customer relationship on their platform by releasing the new reviewing tool. This tool, which can be found in the Ads Activity tab, lets customers leave feedback on their recent experiences with Facebook advertisers.

The image below shows what the feedback form looks like. It also displays a brief questionnaire that lets you elaborate on your experience.

Image sourced from Facebook

While Facebook did say that they will provide guidance to businesses that receive high volumes of negative feedback, the business in question will eventually get banned from doing any more Facebook advertising if feedback doesn’t improve over time.

Facebook Introduces New Requirements for Custom Audience Targeting

Starting July 2, Facebook will make the custom-audience targeting process clear and transparent for its users.

Here’s the full update list on custom audience requirements:

  • Businesses need to show people the origin of the audience information.
  • Businesses must ensure they can share customer information with their respective partner agencies.
  • Businesses will start seeing more-frequent reminders of their obligation to help protect people’s privacy before running ads.

Many businesses use Facebook’s custom audiences tool to ensure they are specifically targeting users who are more likely to have a relationship with their organisation. Learn more about Facebook Advertising.

Google Releases a New Version of Ad Settings

The new version of Google’s Ad Settings has launched, and it’s aimed at helping users understand and control how Google ads are sent and created. This includes explaining the factors that determine which ads are being shown to every user, such as a user’s activity which allows Google to estimate interest.

Additionally, Google is making Why this ad? better, improving overall transparency, communication, and control around the ads that you see on Google. Read an in-depth breakdown from Google here.

Google Launches New Innovations to Improve Discovery

Google has released new features to improve how a business’s products and services may be discovered.

First, they’re expanding affiliate location extensions to video campaigns on YouTube. These will list down any nearby places that sell these products to drive foot traffic to physical stores. Additionally, they’ve launched local catalog ads for Google Display Ads, to help shoppers discover a company’s products and then visit the store.

Finally, Google is also releasing new price benchmarks in Google AdWords reporting to show how other retailers are pricing the same products. This will provide convenient and crucial pricing insights so marketers and businesses alike can make more-informed decisions on their ads.

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Rachel Matela

Rachel is a Filipino Kiwi with a passion for the arts. Having graduated with an Arts Degree in English from UoA, she found writing work at PureSEO as a Junior Copywriter and quickly moved on to the role of Editor. In her spare time, she reads Austen and teaches dance classes in the weekend.

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