This Week in Search: Google Introduces YouTube Creative Suite and More!

Pure SEO’s ‘This Week In Search’ series takes a look at the top SEO and SEM news stories from the week.
This week,  Google introduces a new set of tools on YouTube called the “creative suite”, Facebook announces it’s rolling out video ads on Facebook Messenger, and Google gives access to 16 months of data with Search Console Search Analytics API.

YouTube’s New Set of Tools in the Creative Suite

Google recently introduced a new set of tools on YouTube, called the “creative suite”, broken down into these main components:
  • Video Experiments 

This is a head-to-head testing tool in Google AdWords that works with brand lift measurement, allowing marketers to run clearly segmented experiments on YouTube. It is able to measure key metrics for videos such as awareness, consideration, purchase intent and more. Video Experiments is launching in beta in late June.

  • Video Creative Analytics

This tool will simplify report creation for videos, making uncovering quantitative creative insights easier for marketers. The initial launch will be focused on audience segmentation.

  • Director Mix and Video Ad Sequencing

The YouTuber Director Mix will let creators make many different versions of a base video by allowing set elements to be swappable – such as text, image, sound, and other video elements – for the right audience and context.

Video Ad Sequencing will let people specifically order their ads so marketers are able to tell a brand story. It also allows for showcasing a product message across multiple pieces of content.

Facebook Announces Video Ads on Messenger

In a recent report from Recode Stefanos Loukakos, Director of Facebook Messenger Business, reported that the company is planning to roll out autoplay video ads in private messages from the June 25.

Loukakos also said that they had previously tested basic ads on Messenger, and revealed that the ads “didn’t show any changes in how people used the platform or how many messages they send.”

While he says their top priority is user experience, it’s yet to be seen how the general public will react to video ads that autoplay on Messenger.

16 Months of Data Now Available Through Search Console Search Analytics API

The new version of Google Search Console is now providing access to all 16 months of data in the UI with Search Analytics API.

This means that SEO professionals can now integrate an extended amount of data into their own software. This is especially useful for creating reports or drawing meaningful insights from an extended data range.

Pure SEO – The Trusted SEO Experts in New Zealand

Here at Pure SEO, we’re constantly up to date with the latest news in the SEO and SEM industry. If you’d like to talk to us about our range of services, just contact the Pure SEO team today at 0800 SEARCH!

Rachel Matela

Rachel is a Filipino Kiwi with a passion for the arts. Having graduated with an Arts Degree in English from UoA, she found writing work at PureSEO as a Junior Copywriter and quickly moved on to the role of Editor. In her spare time, she reads Austen and teaches dance classes in the weekend.

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