SEO For Service-Based Companies

Service-based businesses – such as plumbers, cleaners and electricians – often struggle to achieve visibility in what can be highly competitive industries. Advertising in these industries is expensive, and traditional forms of advertising like radio and TV no longer have the reach they once did.

For these kinds of businesses, SEO is typically the most efficient and effective way to get to the top. Think of it like this: your business is the trendy get-up – the jeans, the Nikes, the haircut – and SEO is the witty banter and charming mannerisms behind that pretty face, helping you attract positive attention from more people.

SEO can help service-based businesses, small and large, optimise their potential. Crewcut, a lawn mowing service company, is just one of our many clients who have benefited from SEO. Their sleek website is more than a good mug, thanks to the user-friendly functions and informative content.

If you operate a service-based company, here are five ways SEO can cater to your company’s growth.

Find Your People

SEO can help you attract the kind of people you want by targeting your ideal audience. It’s like using a handheld net to catch only the fish on your menu. Any exposure is not necessarily good exposure, and you’re more likely to gain a loyal following by being more niche. You want your site’s visitors to be people who are actually interested in, and may make the most of, your services.

Say all the Right Things

Successful SEO will incorporate all the right words and phrases, like a smooth player out in Ponsonby on a Friday night. It’ll slot in lines that have worked best with others, using clever tactics to map out a pattern that promises more of a pull. Using keywords and phrases can give you a seat at the top of search engine rankings.

Be Present

If your site ranks high on a local search engine, you’ve got more chance of being the first choice. You should always have your business’ physical location on your site, in a spot that’s easy to find. Include a map if possible, along with the city and country so Google knows you’re relevant and legitimate.

Get the Word Out

Using social media is the best way to get your message into all the ears and eyes of your people. Make the most of blogs, social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and even social influencers. Social media is the queen of gossip, so if you want to be known, play Chinese whispers with her. Our SEO services include written content such as blog posts and product or service descriptions.

Connect With Other Sites

Building links is another great way to transport an audience to your site. SEO can connect your website with others, building an inner city route that allows web users to hop on and off at every tourist destination. Teamwork can help your business succeed!

The truth is, any business or organisation can benefit from SEO services. At Pure SEO, we tailor our services to your specific needs, so you don’t get cookie-cutter marketing solutions. Whether you’re running a business that provides gardening services, or one that performs meth testing, SEO can make your brand a more memorable one.

Rachel Matela

Rachel is a Filipino Kiwi with a passion for the arts. Having graduated with an Arts Degree in English from UoA, she found writing work at PureSEO as a Junior Copywriter and quickly moved on to the role of Editor. In her spare time, she reads Austen and teaches dance classes in the weekend.

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