The Keyword For Pure Seo In 2015 Was ‘Award Winning’

Pure SEO won three major awards last year – the Deloitte Fast 50 award, as the 13th fastest growing business in New Zealand, the Deloitte Asia Pacific Fast 500 and the Westpac Auckland Business Excellence Award for best emerging business.

The business’ statistics are phenomenal as well. The team grew by 400 per cent and year on year revenue by 500 per cent.

The awards were really the icing on the cake for Pure SEO, recognition for the hard work the team put in and a valuable way to benchmark against other new businesses.

Although the search engine optimisation (SEO) market is relatively small in NZ and dominated by Google – all other search engines combined only carry about six per cent of all search traffic – it is growing rapidly and Pure SEO is at the forefront of that growth.

While Pure SEO is a young company in a new industry, it is vital force, maximising the profiling opportunities the internet can provide.

The company was set up in 2009 after new immigrant and Managing Director Richard Conway saw a gap in the market and took a leap of faith.

Richard has plans to expand into Wellington and grow the service offering to ensure clients continue to benefit as the business and search optimisation evolves.

His business philosophy is to foster close relationships and deliver a personalised service to clients. Digital industry advances quickly so remaining at the cutting edge of industry developments is also important.

Businesses often mirror the character of their owners and it would be fair to say that Pure SEO is just as dynamic as its director. Richard is a vital force of nature, with a passionate belief in the team he has built and a boundless drive to succeed.

That energy is one of the reasons that Pure SEO had such a remarkable year. A desire to constantly improve is a core value, along with ‘integrity’, ‘honesty’, ‘family’ and ‘respect’- a winning formula for the 25 people who make up the Pure SEO family. The skill and dedication of the team is evident in the simple fact that the business is almost always at the top of the ‘organic’ Google search rankings.

An established team of Adwords experts and another of ‘off page’ link building experts keep client’s ranking at the ‘top of the page’ and relevant to Google.

One of the other goals for Pure SEO in 2015 is to expand its ‘content creation’ team. Richard’s prediction for the New Year is that page content, social media metrics, blogs, reviewers and ‘dark social’ interactions will become the newest battlegrounds for search engine optimisation and the attention of customers.

Another prediction is that changes to Google’s algorithms (Penguin and Panda) and the release of the Hummingbird update will shape the way brands position and even name themselves in future.

Features of the new algorithm will boost the popularity of voice search and ensure it is an important consideration for SEO in 2015 as smartphone usage and the adoption of wearable technology grows. Voice search technology could shape the way we use language online; just as texting has changed the way we speak.

As SEO in New Zealand matures and large corporate organisations and government departments begin to make the most of the internet as a powerful, cost effective and efficient way to reach stakeholders, search engine optimisation will become increasingly important.

The future is here and science fiction is only science fact waiting to happen. If we can imagine it, we can build the technology to create it. All it takes is a little leap of faith…

The Pure SEO Team

The editorial team at Pure SEO is super proud of our content. Follow our official channels on social media.

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