Top Tip Tuesday – Understanding Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is perhaps the most crucial aspect of succeeding on the web.

All companies naturally want to put whatever they feel is most important about themselves on their website. But the truth is, Google only cares about what the searcher is looking for.

Put simply, Google rewards content that answers people’s most frequently asked questions. So if you want to pull as many people as possible to your site, and to your products or services, start to think like your users. Be empathetic to their needs, and then structure your website around those needs.

Amrita explains more in the video above.

Tips for Effective Targeting

  • Perform Keyword Research: Performing comprehensive keyword research is a time-consuming but necessary task. Keyword research will allow your organisation to create new content in the form of blogs or landing pages, using the language and keywords that your customers use to search for your products or services.
  • Look at Google Analytics: Google Analytics provides meaningful information about your website visitors, which can help inform your ongoing digital marketing strategy. With Google Analytics, you can see data about your audience’s demographic makeup, the source through which they landed on your website and even what they do once they are on your website (e.g. which videos they watch or which pages they navigate to).
  • Look at Google Search Console: Within the Search Analytics section of Google Search Console, you can see which queries are currently bringing people to your site and how your site ranks for these queries. If your users are asking a lot of questions about a certain topic that you aren’t ranking well for, that’s a good sign that you might want to build out more content around that topic.

We’ll be back with more expert SEO tips in our Top Tip Tuesday series next week!

Prabin Yonzon

Prabin is the Head of Organic Search and CRO at Pure SEO. He has over nine years of experience in digital marketing, specialising in SEO, CRO, and analytics. Apart from his day-to-day work at Pure SEO, he is also highly involved in conducting webinars and in-house training for some of the well-known brands in New Zealand and overseas.

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