
Facebook’s New Attempt at Search

To start off the new year Facebook has launched the new product, Graph Search, allowing users to search for specific questions within Facebook’s database.

This beta product is aimed to improve social search as opposed to open web search and is not expected to raise any competition with Google. However, in addition to launching Graph Search Facebook is also adding Bing search results to queries on Facebook.

Graph Search allows users to conduct a variety of searches from friends who live in Auckland to recommendation based questions such as cafes in San Francisco my friends have been or books my friends like. With Graph Search, Facebook has introduced the ability to conduct searches for recommendations based on friends marked interests.

Graph Search respects privacy settings and it is recommended to double check your personal settings to ensure that nothing comes up to haunt you as users use this new tool to search through people, photos, places and interest.

This useful new search introduction opens new doors and search opportunities to meet a variety of needs whether it be a recruiter searching for the right employee to fit a job, a marketer searching for their target audience or a friend looking for a suggestion. How will you use Facebook’s Graph Search?

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