Newsflash! Google Will Be Rolling Out New Panda Update This Weekend

On September 27th Google commenced the rollout of a new algorithm update that will impact 2.4% of all English searches. Being the 20th Panda Update it is rightfully named Panda 20 and will not be going unnoticed, as most of the previous Panda updates were predicted to have a 1% impact or less on search results.

In addition to rolling out Panda 20, Google introduced an exact match domain update last weekend which reduces low-quality sites with exact matching domains from appearing high in search results.

For example if a site selling gold fish named would be an exact match domain. It is still too early in the game to define the details of how Panda 20 will be redefining search, but thus far Matt Cutts has commented:

“Google began rolling out a new update of Panda on Thursday, 9/27. This is actually a Panda algorithm update, not just a data update. A lot of the most-visible differences went live Thursday 9/27, but the full rollout is baking into our index and that process will continue for another 3-4 days or so.

This update affects about 2.4% of English queries to a degree that a regular user might notice, with a smaller impact in other languages (0.5% in French and Spanish, for example).”


To see the evolution of Panda and learn more about this algorithm see below:

1. Panda Update 1.0, Feb. 24, 2011 (11.8% of queries; announced; English in US only)

2. Panda Update 2.0, April 11, 2011 (2% of queries; announced; rolled out in English internationally)

3. Panda Update 2.1, May 10, 2011 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)

4. Panda Update 2.2, June 16, 2011 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)

5. Panda Update 2.3, July 23, 2011 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)

6. Panda Update 2.4, Aug. 12, 2011 (6-9% of queries in many non-English languages; announced)

7. Panda Update 2.5, Sept. 28, 2011 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)

8. Panda Update 3.0, Oct. 19, 2011 (about 2% of queries; belatedly confirmed)

9. Panda Update 3.1, Nov. 18, 2011: (less than 1% of queries; announced)

10. Panda Update 3.2, Jan. 18, 2012 (no change given; confirmed, not announced)

11. Panda Update 3.3, Feb. 27, 2012 (no change given; announced)

12. Panda Update 3.4, March 23, 2012 (about 1.6% of queries impacted; announced)

13. Panda Update 3.5, April 19, 2012 (no change given; belatedly revealed)

14. Panda Update 3.6, April 27, 2012: (no change given; confirmed; first update within days of another)

15. Panda Update 3.7, June 9, 2012: (1% of queries; belatedly announced)

16. Panda Update 3.8, June 25, 2012: (about 1% of queries; announced)

17. Panda Update 3.9, July 24, 2012:(about 1% of queries; announced)

18. Panda Update 3.91, Aug. 20, 2012: (about 1% of queries; belatedly announced)

19. Panda Update 3.92, Sept. 18, 2012: (less than 0.7% of queries; announced)

20. Google Panda Update 20 Released, 2.4% Of English Queries Impacted

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