What is the Amazon Echo Show?
Tech giant Amazon is set to shake-up the digital world again with their latest innovation – the Amazon Echo Show. Utilising the spearheading voice assistant Alexa, the company has introduced the brand-new device as an improved Amazon Echo with visual functionality. The Amazon Echo Show now allows users to watch videos, make video calls, play music, control in-home systems and even order Ubers – along with keeping the previous capabilities enjoyed by Alexa fans around the globe.
Voice Assistants are Changing the Way We Search
The way we communicate with our smartphones and smart devices is changing. In fact, according to Search Engine People, 20% of mobile searches were made using voice-recognition. With new developments in these systems, there’s no doubt this number is only going to keep growing.
The biggest draw-card of the Amazon Echo is its ability to work hands-free. With advanced voice-control technology, this device makes it incredibly easy for people to control their smart home, stream music, call their friends and search for information on the web.
Amazon is Leading the Way in Home Assistant Devices
The Amazon Echo Show has eight microphones and super sensitive beam-forming technology; this device doesn’t need to be asked to do something twice. It dwarfs other systems such as Siri and Google Home, and by fitting seamlessly into smart-homes, this product is favoured by a growing number of consumers as the preferred voice assistant.
With all these features, the Amazon Echo Show is changing the way people are behaving online. The ability to casually speak to a device and have it understand your commands (with minimal effort) has created a new way of living for the estimated 15 million users.
Google Has Responded to Increasing Voice Searches with New Ranking Signals
Advanced voice recognition software creates a new facet to online search, and Google is noticing. Their latest update, Rankbrain, takes into account semantics and intent in Google searches. With these adaptations to ranking factors, it’s now essential to consider what people will be typing or saying when they’re looking for a product, service or place. These developments make choosing keywords, writing content and optimising web pages with colloquial language focused on intent, the new normal. In 2018, websites must look beyond generic keywords for precise search engine queries their customers will be making.
Voice Search Impacts the User Experience and SEO
Updates to ranking signals triggered by the rising popularity of voice-controlled devices indicate exciting times for search engine users. With Google’s dedication to show users the best websites for every search, these changes move us towards better search engine results pages, advanced voice recognition software and new ways of online browsing.
If you would like to find out more information about Rankbrain, feel free to check out our recent blog post, ‘How to Optimise for Google Rankbrain’.